Our Story
We first became interested in small-scale sustainable agriculture when we asked ourselves, "Where does our food come from?" This simple question led us down a path we could have never imagined. After years of researching, observing, practicing, and planning, we finally took the next step to increase our production.
We are fortunate enough to be participants in the PLANT Farm Enterprise Incubator program that Orange County Cooperative Extension facilitates. As part of the course, we could lease land at the Breeze Incubator Farm for an incredibly affordable price with access to tools and equipment.
After farming at the incubator farm for 3 seasons, we transition onto our land in Cedar Grove. It is a 43-acre property that has been used for various farming enterprises over the years, including cattle and tobacco. After being abandoned for many years, we're working hard to continue the stewardship of this farmland.
Jillian and Ross both grew up in rural Caswell County, North Carolina. Though they didn't grow up on farms, farm heritage was strong in their childhood communities and family lives.
Jillian works full time on the farm and is in charge of day-to-day operations including planting and harvesting. She works hard to bring the most nutritious produce to market every week and loves helping customers figure out how they can use local foods in their everyday meals.
Ross is all around Jack-of-all-trades (master at some!). When he's not working at his full-time engineering job, Ross takes care of the tractors, tools, and systems on the farm.
Charlie Girl is the silliest farm dog you'll ever meet. When she's not chasing ducks, barking at delivery drivers and herding the employees she spends her time running through cover crops and napping in the sunshine. She is an Australian Shepard and came to the farm in 2015 and is the ultimate spoiled princess.